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    Introducing Nativis Projex: A Platform for Eco and Sustainable Real Estate Market

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    What if we brought everything we know into one place?

    In Nativis Projex, we are building the perfect platform for a community keen on sustainability. A place where you’ll be able to share your eco and sustainable homes, so others have a place to quickly access the best and up to date, relevant information for them. As well, as the ideal place for you to network with professionals and investors with interests similar to yours, regarding the real estate market. 

    Whether you are using one of many methods of natural resources for energy, or you havesystems in place which prevent or counter your property from environmental degradation or disaster, we would love for you to share what you have for others to learn from and find themost fitting system for their environment.

    Eco Houses, Eco-Friendly Community, Self-Sufficient Homes

    How does our platform work?

    You’ll be able to join our platform as either a property owner or as a customer or investor. 

    As a property owner, Nativis Projex will allow you to announce or list your property, whether it is for sale or rental purposes. As well as, to network with experts on the Sustainable Real Estate Market, like investors, developers, architects, home designers, and many others. 

    As a customer or an investor, on our platform you will find many properties available for short and long term stays which are exclusively Eco and Sustainable Real Estate. Whether you are taking a vacation, business trip or you would simply like a little getaway; here you’ll find the perfect place to stay somewhere. Places where, additionally, you’ll be able to take an idea home and have the contacts and information you need to improve your own property?

    Eco Houses, Eco-Friendly Community, Self-Sufficient Homes

    Over to you…

    Do you have any expertise you would love to share with the Eco and Sustainable Market?

    Would you like to showcase or lease your property?

    Would you like to learn more about our platform?

    Contact us through any of our channels to join us. 

    We will be more than happy to help!

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