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    Sustainability: Why is it a priority for Younger Generations

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    Younger generations are more concerned for the environment than ever, and it’s time for future companies and businesses to start taking their needs into account. 

    While generations like Gen Z may not be yet the targeted buyer for many big businesses, they are starting to join the task force and contributing to their societies as they grow into their adulthood. 

    And as active members of society, their sustainable tendencies and needs of this younger generation are starting to show and influence in a large scale the way society lives. 

    This are some of the main priorities in the younger generation lifestyle 🍃👇

    sustainability, green living, eco-friendly lifestyle, eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle, environmental awareness

    1. They consume green, clean and cruelty-free product

    One of the first things that younger generations started doing was to change their consumerism behavior to a more sustainable one. 

    If you’ve been aware of the boom and popularity of green, vegan, recycled and/or cruelty-free products in the last few years, know that these actually have a concerning reason behind it, and not just a trend. A few years ago, many companies didn’t even bother to assure the sustainability of their processes or products, now it is a must for everyone. 

    With so many products in the market, and with big enterprises being the most and main responsible ones for contamination, people like Gen Z started doing their research, calling out on companies that did not live up to their standards and shopping only where their needs were met. 

    2. They shop local or second-hand 

    By changing consumerism behavioral patterns, they also started steering away from big brands that pollute and do not offer their employees fair pay and sustainable future; and started approaching a more natural and local way of shopping. 

    Shopping local and/or second-hand, not only helps to avoid over-consumerism, and to recycle products that other ways will go to the trash; but also helps strengthen the local economy and provide employees and local-businesses owners with fair wages and profits.

    3. They look for companies with sustainable practices and beliefs

    These changes not only apply to the things young people buy, but to the people, companies and brands they decide to relate themselves with.  From the things they buy, to the places they work on; to meet their values in regards to sustainability and environmental consciousness, is not only a priority but an expected trait. 

    Being the generation most aware of the environmental damage, and the years left to make a change; they do not hesitate to speak up when people and the environment are not being respected. 

    4. They look for Eco-Friendly properties

    And lastly, but not least, as the real estate market has been able to see; the places they look for to live in, have shaped into a representation of their needs and eco-friendly consumerism behavior. 

    Their home is the place they spend most time in, and younger generations have found that the way they live in their home reflect on how they behave in their environment; so they have made a priority for these spaces to be as Eco-Friendly as possible. 

    The same way green, vegan and cruelty-free products became so in-demand; when it comes to homes, now more than ever you can see household appliances that are sustainable; energy-saving, water-saving, energy-efficient and clean-energy, that help preserve resources and avoid waste. 

    This also means, they look for properties, whether they are rented or bought, that they know can contribute positively to the environment, reducing pollution and their carbon footprint. 

    Overall, Younger Generations value Sustainability

     sustainability, green living, eco-friendly lifestyle, eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle, environmental awareness

    Younger Generations are prioritizing sustainability in every aspect of their lives. As the generation that has suffered the effects of climate change, social inequality, human crisis and environmental damage; they are more aware of what it all can mean for the future generations. 

    And this is particularly important to any business owner, big brand or company director that wishes to stay in their respective markets for years to come. As this humanly and environmentally aware generation may not yet be a targeted audience in every market, but they will soon be as they grow into adulthood. 

    Are you ready to join a sustainable lifestyle?

    In Nativis Projex you’ll be able to find the ideal community for you to start learning more about living Eco-Friendly; as well as all the information and updates you’ll need on how to keep improving your Eco-House.

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