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    Elements of an Eco-House

    The Key Elements of an Eco-House


    Living in an Eco-House is a relatively new trend, that has arisen along with the ...

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    4 reasons to invest in an Eco-House


    When looking into the future of the Real Estate sector, we have to come to ...

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    Listing property

    How does Nativis Projex work? Listing and finding Eco-Friendly Properties


    In Nativis Projex, we are building a property-finder platform with a community of homeowners and ...

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    Eco-Houses in Nativis Projex

    What is an Eco-House? These are the type of properties we are looking for


      In a world where the way we live has been rapidly changing due to ...

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    Sustainable Real Estate Market

    Introducing Nativis Projex: A Platform for Eco and Sustainable Real Estate Market


    What if we brought everything we know into one place? In Nativis Projex, we are ...

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