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Read moreIt’s that time of the year again ✍🏻🗒 And it’s the perfect opportunity to start the year off right and Eco-Friendly!
Add these Eco-Friendly habits to your New Year’s Resolutions 👇
1. Buy reusable bags for groceries and shopping
One of the best sustainable resolutions you can make is to start using reusable bags for your groceries and any other errands.
It’s a simple and quick, yet highly beneficial Eco-Friendly habit you can add to your routine that will help you reduce the amount of waste created by disposable plastic bags, and will make running your errands much more comfortable and easy.
2. Reduce your showering time to save water
Saving water is another great eco-friendly new year’s resolution, given the current situation of water shortage worldwide. Often, the times we waste the most resources are on daily activities that we don’t notice consume a lot of resources, because it’s little by little everyday, rather than all at once.
Timing your showering time, as well as other activities than involve water usage, like doing the dishes, cleaning or washing your car; will make you a lot more conscious of the amount you consume and allow you to cut back.
3. Shop locally and organic
With most of the big supply chains and supermarkets, products go to a very polling process to get to you, from the actual growth of products or making of, to the shipment and delivery processes; many contribute to a high carbon dioxide emissions daily.
Shopping local and organic products, not only is a resolution that benefits the environment, allowing you to contribute to much cleaner and responsible processes; but also, you are also helping your fellow neighbors and citizens’ economy.
4. Donate everything you don’t use anymore
Another great resolution where everyone wins something, is to donate things you don’t use anymore.
Firstly, you are helping other people and communities in need with things you don’t really use or want anymore. Secondly, by donating you avoid creating high volumes of material waste and garbage. And thirdly, on a personal level, it will allow you to detach from things you don’t need, letting you follow a more minimalistic and non-consumerist lifestyle.
5. Start a local vegetable garden to grow your own food
This new year’s resolution is not only a great habit for the environment, but also a great opportunity for you to nurture a new hobby. One that is particularly friendly to your surroundings and that will lead to a more environmentally responsible lifestyle.
You’ll have cleaner food, you’ll get to understand the needs of plants and green life, and you’ll be able to grow in respect towards the environment and what it means to actually grow food from scratch.
6. Walk or bike more and drive less
And lastly, but not the least, making a new year’s resolution that really makes your lifestyle more eco-friendly on a daily basis, has got to be making the decision to walk (or bike if that’s your case) more, and try to use cars and other polluting means of transport less.
Society is so used to getting fast to anyplace, that it sometimes may seem that there’s really no time to walk anywhere. But really, if you analice carefully your daily routines carefully, you’ll find that there are a lot of places you could get to by walking or biking, taking the time, and in the meantime, contributing to your health and overall healthy lifestyle.
Have you added Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions to your list yet?
In Nativis Projex, you’ll find a community of people with keen interests on sustainability where you’ll be able to exchange thoughts and ideas on how to live a more Eco-Friendly lifestyle.
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In the current landscape for real estate, as pollution and climate change becomes an increasing ...
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