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    4 reasons to invest in an Eco-House

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    When looking into the future of the Real Estate sector, we have to come to terms that green buildings, eco homes and sustainable properties, are the future of this market. 

    Because of the social, environmental and economic context we are currently in, green real estate is more necessary than ever. And not only is it necessary, but is foreseen to be the most profitable in years to come. 

    Learn about the main reasons why you should be investing in sustainable real estate properties 👇

    1. Real Estate Market is responsible for over 40% of CO2 emissions.

    We often think that small actions can’t really have a big impact on sustainability, not while big corporations keep taking actions that are irresponsible towards the environment. But actually, when it comes to the real estate sector, our choices regarding our homes can really have a significant positive or negative impact. 
    According to Forbes Magazine, the Real Estate Industry is responsible for up to 40% of global dioxide emissions, from construction to building operations in the day to day. By opting for sustainable real estate buildings to invest in, we are contributing to reducing these emissions every year.

    Real Estate Sustainability, CO2 Emissions, Air Pollution

    2. A majority of 73% Gen Zers prefer Eco-Homes

    Young generations are the future of our economy and their preferences should be taken into account as priority, when it comes to building real estate that’s planned to be bought or inhabited by them 

    And the reality is that, while older generations put costs and short-term rentability first, younger generations have in mind the collective good as their top priorities. According to NorthCo, a survey conducted in 2021 reveals that 73% of Gen Zers are willing to pay extra, either bought or rented, for real estate options that are eco-friendly. 

    Gen Z, Centennial preferencias, Eco-Homes preferences

    3. Operation costs of Eco-Home are actually lower on the long-run

    Because these types of properties are usually self-efficient buildings, regular resources or services, such as electricity, water, gas and any others, tend to be able to be self-provided totally, or at least partially, reducing the usual costs of acquiring these services externally. 

    While the costs of implementing these types of sustainable equipment, like water treatment installations, solar panels or smart home equipment; may be considerable at first, the advantages they bring in the long-run are worth it. Not only, in the reduced emissions of polluting emissions and waste of resources, but also, in regard to cost savings. 

    Water treatment, Solar panels, Sustainable technology

    4. Long-lasting and quality constructions

    Eco Houses are more likely to be long-lasting in every aspect, from the materials they are built with, to the correct functioning of equipment and installations. Because they have in mind a sustainable focus, they use materials that are friendly to the local environment that surrounds them, and that also, are not wasteful, so they can last the longest, without damaging its surroundings.

    These types of homes are usually built under the highest of standards, as they have to fulfill certain characteristics and qualifications to be considered sustainable or eco-friendly.

    Companies such as LEED, Energy Star, EDGE and WELL Community, give out certifications to these types of building if they meet the requirements.

    Gen Z, Centennial preferencias, Eco-Homes preferences

    Are you convinced yet? Sustainability is the future of Real Estate. 

    Whether you are experienced in the sustainable real estate market, or you are new to it, our platform, can give you all the information and contacts that you’ll need. If you are the owner of any sustainable property and wish to showcase it, or if you are an investor looking to start yourself in this market, this is the place for you!

    Contact us through any of our channels to join us!

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